Offizielle NerdMiner-Bedienungsanleitung von SatoshiStoreIO. Wenn Sie einen NerdMiner bei gekauft haben, sind Sie wahrscheinlich hierher gekommen, um eine perfekte Anleitung zum Aufbau oder zur Einrichtung Ihres Nerd-Bitcoin-Miners zu erhalten.
Hi my problem is i didnt get hashs. All fine all good network is in but i dont see anything happen
@CryptoUlle This value it is from the temperature
Hey there, on the standard screen above the valid blocks counter there is a grey bar that shows (from right to left) the WiFi symbol, a pickaxe symbol, the local time and then a 2-digit number with an apostroph behind it (like39’). What does this number mean? Can’t figure it out, that drives me nuts ;-) And does the pickaxe mean anything besides “I’m mining”?
@John – if you are very very very lucky and find a valid block with your nerdminer you will receive the black reward which is about 6.25 ₿ right now. So it usually just shows zero. :-)
On the screen, what does the “valid blocks” counter specify?